There is a big difference between checking the glo data plan balance for android and checking the glo blackberry BIS data plan balance.
This question might look absurd to non-blackberry users, but to all Glo blackberry Users, they want to know the answer to this question, which is:
“how do I check my glo blackberry bis data balance?
One of the best glo data plan, is the glo bis plan of N1000 for 3GB which works on blackberry 10 phones, and if you subscribed to either of the Glo data plans for Blackberry, you’ll discover that it’s difficult checking your data balance, since the more popular code is for checking the data balance of non-blackberry devices.
check glo bis plan data balance
Below is the guideline on how you can check glo bis plan data balance.

How To Check How To Check Glo Blackberry Data Balance

Please take note that this method also includes the guideline on how to check glo blackberry complete data balance.
There are two ways to checking the glo bis data balance. You can either choose to use the dialing method or as well use the sms method.
1. To check your glo bis data balance, simply dial *777*0#. Once you’ve sent it, your data balance will be displayed to you alongside the validity period like the expiry date and remaining data bundles.
2. You can also choose to text status to 777 – You will receive a reply with details, about your data balance and validity period.

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