Here’s the Official BlackBerry Subscription Codes for all Nigerian Telecommunication Networks services, including MTN Nigeria, Glo Nigeria, Airtel Nigeria and Etisalat Nigeria Data plans and Internet subscription codes.

Etisalat Nigeria


Monthly Plan

  • Etisalat BlackBerry Complete – N1,500 (*499*3#)
  • Etisalat BlackBerry Social Monthly – N1,300 (dial *499*2#)
  • Etisalat BlackBerry Unlimited BIS Monthly – N3,000 (dial *399*1#)
  • Etisalat BES Monthly – N6,000

Weekly Plan

  • Etisalat BlackBerry Complete – N500 (*499*3*1#)
  • Etisalat BB Social Weekly – N400 (dial *499*2*1#)
  • Etisalat BlackBerry BIS Weekly – N1,000 (dial *399*6#) 24 hours BlackBerry Access (daily plan)

Daily Plan

  • Etisalat BlackBerry Complete Daily – N100 (dial *299*3*2#)
  • Etisalat BB Social Daily – N100 (dial *499*2*2#)
  • Etisalat BlackBerry BIS Daily – N250 (dial *499*5#)

Airtel Nigeria

airtel styzic

Monthly Plan

  • Airtel BlackBerry Complete – N1,400 (Send BCM to 440)
  • Airtel Social Plan – N1,200 (Send BSM to 440)
  • Airtel BlackBerry Unlimited BIS Month – N3,000 (Send BISMONTH to 440)

Weekly Plan

  • Airtel BlackBerry Complete – N400 (Send BCW to 440)
  • Airtel BlackBerry BIS Week – N1,000 (Send BISWEEK to 440)

Daily Plan

  • Airtel BlackBerry Complete Daily – Send BCD to 440 – N100
  • Etisalat BB Social Daily – N100 (dial *499*2*2#)
  • Airtel BlackBerry BIS Day – (24 hours) – N200 (Send BISDAY to 440)

90 days – N8,000 (send ‘BBQ’ to 21600)

Globacom Nigeria


Monthly Plan

  • Glo BlackBerry BES Month – N4,200 (text ‘BESMONTH’ to 777)
  • Glo BlackBerry BIS Complete Month – N1,400 (text ‘COMONTH’ to 777) data allowance 3GB
  • Glo Blackberry Social Monthly – N1,200 (send ‘SOMonth’ to 777)
  • Glo BlackBerry Unlimited BIS Month – N2,800 (text ‘BISMONTH’ to 777)

Weekly Plan

  • Glo BlackBerry BIS Complete Week – N400 (text ‘CoWEEK’ to 777) data allowance 1GB
  • Glo Blackberry Social Weekly – N400 (send ‘SOWeek’ to 777)
  • Glo BlackBerry BIS Week – N900 (text ‘BISWEEK’ to 777)
  • Glo BES Week – N1,400 (Send ‘BESWEEK’ to 777)

Daily Plan

  • Glo BlackBerry BIS Complete Day – N100 (text ‘CoDAY’ to 777) data allowance 100MB
  • Glo Blackberry Social Daily – N100 (send ‘SODay’ to 777)
  • Glo BlackBerry BIS Day – N300 (text ‘BISDAY’ to 777)
  • Glo BES Day – N350 (Send ‘BESDAY’ to 777)

MTN Nigeria

mtn data plan

Monthly Plan

  • BB Absolute Plan – N1,500 (Send BIS to 21600)
  • BB Complete Plan – N1000 (Send BBC to 21600)

Weekly Plan

  • BB Absolute Plan – N599 (Send BBWEEK to 21600)
  • BB Complete Plan – N499 (Send BBCWEEK to 21600)

Daily Plan

  • BB Absolute Plan – N120 (Send BBDAY to 21600)
  • BB Complete Plan – N100 (Send BBCDAY to 21600)

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