Hello there, Techopera.com is bringing to you, a very important message and information. To all Car owners and owners to be, we’re pleased to inform you, that you can now verify the originality, authenticity of your plate number.
As you may have known, several persons have fall victim, by buying fake plate numbers and running into a problem with the Nigeria federal road safety corps, because the plate number they purchased, thinking it’s original.
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Well, you can now wave goodbye to this issue forever, because the federal road safety corps has created a verification page, where ever car owners in Nigeria, can verify the authenticity of their plate numbers.
verify plate number online


  1.  Log on to www.nvis.frsc.gov.ng
  2.  When the website loads, continue by clicking on “Verify Number Plate” at the top right-hand corner of the home page or Click Here directly to take you directly to the National Vehicle Identification system portal.
  3.  Make sure you enter or supply your Number Plate in the blank box provided.
  4.  Click on “Verify ” button


You can also choose to verify your plate number through SMS, by following this guideline.
Just send the Number Plate in The following format ”verifyplateno the number plate” to 33810. Here is an example of what am saying;
“verifyplateno ABC123AA” to 33810

Important Note

Please take note that there is no space between “verifyplateno” when sending the code and plate number to 33810.
Also, ensure that there is space between verifyplateno and the registration number.
While writing down your plate numbers, make sure that there is no space between the number “ABC123AA”
Good luck and if you come across any problem, please do use the comment box to reach out to us, and we’ll help you.

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