I really don’t know what am going to use my internet data bundles for if not for social connecting, i mean, mre than 80% of my time is spent on social networks and i am also aware that you might fall into this category too.
Most times, we d spend our time on BBM, facebook, badoo, twitter, eskimi, 2go, whatsApp among countless others. and if you fall into this set of people, then MTN Goody Bag Social plan would be of a great interest to you.
mtn goody bag
I know you’re aware that MTN Nigeria, is one of the Nigeria largest telecoms service provider, and they have taken a giant step to introduced the Goody Bag plan which provides cheap access to social media platforms namely Facebook, Twitter, 2go and Eskimi at a cheap rate.
If you want to subscribe, which i have already done, then can check out more about the MTN Goody Bag Social by dialing *662# on your MTN line.
However, here is a better and short breakdown of the social plans provided by MTN Goody Bag.
Facebook Weekly – TEXT FBW TO 131 (N25)
Facebook Monthly – TEXT FBM TO 131 (N60)
Twitter Weekly – TEXT TWTW TO 131 (N25)
Twitter Monthly – TEXT TWTM TO 131 (N60)
Eskimi Weekly – TEXT ESKW TO 131 (25 Naira)
Eskimi Monthly – TEXT ESKM TO 131 (60 Naira)
2go Weekly – TEXT 2GOW TO 131 (25 Naira)
2go Monthly – TEXT 2GOM TO 131 (60 Naira)
Please note that the MTN Goody Bag social has 5MB weekly & 25MB monthly fair usage policy and you could purchase a plan via dialing *662#.
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