In SuperNigeria, our main aim is to provide you with profitable ideas to make you more money in Nigeria. Which is why today, am writing an article on how to produce and sell insecticides in Nigeria, the right markets, etc.
Here’s an Important Information for You: How To Become a Successful Entrepreneur in Nigeria
This article is all about how to produce and sell insecticides in Nigeria, and it does not matter whether you have money now to start it or not. Knowledge is powerful, and once you’re informed about the production method, you can look for funds on how to start the production. All I want from you is your time sacrifice to read this article very carefully, and I will be grateful to myself. I will expose the secrets for starting up an insecticides business in Nigeria.

What are Insecticides?

how to produce insecticides and sell it in Nigeria
Insecticides are chemicals in gaseous or liquid or any other form, which are used to kill insects and repel them from any area it is applied. This also means that wherever insecticides are spread, insects die and flee away.

Why is the Production of Insecticides a Good Business in Nigeria?

With the climatic nature of Nigeria with the increasingly unkempt and dirty environment of most regions in the country, This simply means that the production and marketing of insecticides are advisable in Nigeria for an individual to start up. You can find mosquitoes and other bugs flying around everywhere in Nigeria, due to poor governance in the economy.
For your information, these bugs spreads diseases snd sickness to the normal state of health of an individual living in the affected areas, which simply means that treatments need to be given to the victim, and you need money to pay your bills for the treatments you want to receive. This is the major reason why you need to start producing and marketing insecticides business in Nigeria because the business will yield lots of profit, not only the production but making sure that you produce one of the best quality products that the market will always request for.
how to produce Insecticides

Why Insecticides business might be the best choice for you to start up in Nigeria

With the present economy of Nigeria, you will find out that the prices of mostly all the commodities in the market has risen at a shocking rate. The situation of the country keeps everyone is a managing mode of living so that they can be able to solve other problems that might rise as a challenge.
We should not fold our hands and watch as the condition of the nation put you in a state of confusion, Always be creative, start up something by looking around and seeing things that people need around you, that are not available. Reason and know them. For example , start producing and selling local insecticides.
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You can start-up with the spray insecticides, this is because it is portable and flexible to handle just like other expensive alternate products that are also insecticides. Be creative in all form, get a unique packaging, fragrance, prize and bottling of your product. Which is different from what is usually sold locally.
Here is a simple tutorial on how to produce and sell insecticides in Nigeria, but before then, I want to talk about what quality value you put into the production and selling of liquid insecticides in Nigeria. If your product do not have value then you are not suppose to put it into the market in the first place because nobody wants to spent his or her money on a poor product especially at this economy recession.
Since this article is all about producing and selling of liquid insecticides, you have to make sure your insecticides is affordable by everyone and at the same time do the services of which it was bought for. I will advice you to start with the Liquid insecticides because of the reduced production and packaging costs, and are better for the consumer.
To be successful in the local production of insecticides you have to be the best insecticides killer among all products in the market.  Just make sure that your insecticide is the best among all other insecticides.


Below are the steps to start-up producing and selling of insecticides, they are:

Method 1


1. Molten Rosen
2. Caustic soda
3. A pot
4. Soya bean oil
5. Sodium
6. Borax
7. Cresol
8. Creosote Casein
9. Castor oil
10. Tar acid


Step 1: Put the pot on fire and add a little water to boil 33% caustic soda
Step 2: Add the boiling solution of caustic soda to the essential oils i.e.Your soya bean oil and castor oil.
Step 3: Add the molten rosin. Quantity largely depends on you.
Step 4: While doing the above, make sure you have another boiling pot of water on fire. Add the boiling water into the now foamy solution to dissolve it.
Step 5: Gently pour in the creosote and cresol and stir cautiously and immediately add borax to the mix.
Here is another way to first dissolve casein in water and later add borax. This is then filtered gently, and creosote and cresol are added. There you have it.

Method 2

1. Camphor
2. Turpentine
3. Boric Acid
Step 1: Grind the camphor and measure out one part off it.
Step 2: Add four parts or turpentine and one part of boric acid and mix well.
What again I think you should do is making sure your insecticides does not choke breathe or people.

Another methods of producing and selling insecticides in Nigeria

Method 3

This third and last, but not the least method can be done for both Home and agricultural use or purposes only.

  1. Neem oil
  2. Essential oils like castor oil and soya bean oil or lavender.
  3. Water
  4. Detergent

Step 1: Take about 1 gallon of water and add 2 tablespoons of neem oil.
Step 2: Add 1/2 table spoons of  lavender and rosemary essential oils or soya bean and castor oils.
Step 3: Add 2 table spoons of detergent and mix thoroughly.  Your Liguid insecticides are redy , start
CONCLUSION: Note that you can also mix 1 table spoon of detergent with one table spoon of ammonia sulphate and mix thoroughly, for agricultural use. Thank you for your patience by reading the following steps of producing a liquid insecticides in Nigeria.

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