This is the best Etisalat Data Bundle Plan Prices and Activation Codes, and for all Etisalat users, you can now use the below codes to surf the internet cheaply!
This subscription codes contains the full and official details of all data bundle plans from Etisalat Nigeria including the following:
Data allocation,
Validity period,
Activation codes for computers, mobile phones and tablets.

S/N Plans Price(=N=) USSD Code SMS Keyword to 229
1 Daily 10MB 100 *229*3*1# MI1
2 Weekly 50MB 500 *229*3*4# MI2
3 200MB 1,000 *229*2*1# MB2
4 500MB 2,000 *229*2*2# MB3
5 1.5GB 4,000 *229*2*4# MB4
6 Night & Weekend 4,000 *229*3*3# MB7
7 3GB 6,500 *229*2*3# MB5
8 6GB 8,000 *229*2*5# MB6
9 10GB 10,000 *229*4*1# SM1
10 15GB 15,000 *229*4*2# SM2
11 20GB 18,000 *229*4*3# SM3

Help Guidelines:
You can also check your data balance by dialing: *228#

This is the official MTN Data Bundle Internet Plan Prices and Activation Codes
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